PERM Immigration Advertising SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA
If your firm is in need of Immigration Advertising in San Diego California, in compliance with Labor Certification rules, our firm is here to help.
The experienced staff at PERM-Ads.com can assist with the placement of classified Immigration Advertising in San Diego California, in the newspaper of general circulation, local papers, radio station ads, and related online & trade journal media outlets.
We also host our own automated Instant Employer Website Publishing System, Job Board, and Case Tracking System.
We have a database of over 20,000 media outlets that spans the entire United States, so even if the job site location relevant to the immigration advertising you are posting is not in the San Diego area, we can help nationwide.
You can click here for a FREE Quote.
The proof is in the Media Map below, we can cover all of your PERM Labor Certification immigration advertising in San Diego California, and ANYWHERE else in the United States.
When you contact our firm through our Instant PERM Ad Quote Form, we can quickly designate all of the relevant media outlets your firm can use for PERM recruitment purposes.
Employer Website Job Posting with 1st, 8th, 15th and 30th day printouts are $150.00 and include domain, hosting, job posting and evidential documentation.
Job-Search-Board.com 30 Day Postings are $120.00 and include evidential documents in the form of 1st, 8th, 15th and 30th day printouts.
Most Radio Station Ads can be run for under $280 in most areas, using a night time slot. For more slots, the price varies across the U.S.
Most Local paper print ads should run under $300 – $400 and often less, depending on the length of the ad text.
Most ads in Newspaper of General Circulation vary due to the inclusion of online advertising.
Our firm recommends running 4 forms of “additional recruitment” instead of the mandatory 3. This acts as an insurance policy against one of the ads being rejected on a technicality, or a media outlet making a mistake.
Contact us now for more information on Immigration Advertising San Diego California.