Need a PERM advertising agency?
Our firm can assist immigration attorneys and employer’s sponsoring foreign workers place exactly the type help wanted job ads required by the Labor Certification guidelines stipulated in CFR 656.17.
We can research a newspaper of general circulation that fits your PERM advertising agency needs
Our PERM advertising agency has been in business since 2005 and has extensive experience in helping legal assistants, paralegals, attorneys, employers and human resources staff come up with the correct ad content.
Click here to view a perm advertising sample.
To request a FREE price quote, click here.
Transparency and Cost Reduction
Our agency allows attorneys to save on overhead costs due to the fact our office handles all of the time consuming perm advertising & evidence collection tasks, which enables them to focus on their client’s needs, meetings, networking, and court appearances. We help your firm make more money, easier. It’s that simple.
Employers also benefit because our service works closely with the law firm, making sure that all compliance goals are met, reducing the chance for errors that most human resources staff might not catch in time.
Due to our position as an ad agency, most newspapers and other media outlets give us reduced pricing which we pass on to the employer. We are also able to hold media outlets to higher standards of good faith performance, so that your interests are always represented.
As mentioned above, our service is often cheaper than if the employer buys the ads themselves.
We also offer direct billing, to alleviate the sometimes confusing and costly accounting hours that come with managing recruitment ads.
We accept all major credit cards, paypal, and bank wire transfers.
Nationwide Coverage
We can run classified job ads within any city in the U.S. Below is our Media Map, showing all newspapers of general circulation, as well as radio stations.