PERM Job Search Ads:, can offer you discounts on placing job search website postings for your Labor Certification needs during the PERM and H1B/H2B process.
We can provide accurate ad copy, target the exact area and website to use for best results, as well as obtain all of the relevant proofs and supporting documentation needed to present your case during the filing of the DOL 9089.
The Recruiter Networks job board network provides regional recruitment websites in 1024 major US metro areas.
Each local job board is a low-cost resource for employers and recruiters in all industries.
Each site offers hundreds of local job posting and a resume database, as well as local employment resources, salary calculators, recruiting tools, and other advertising options. has relationships with quite a few major newspapers, and PERM Ads has an “agency” relationship with them, -we can offer you the ads for cheaper than you can get them directly from Careebuilder.
America’s Job Exchange AJE is actually a portal to complete your SWA posting requirements, which are listed here. Now most of the SWA organizations are adopting the clone technology AJE sells, instead of trying to come up with their own half-baked systems. It’s a good thing they are, -some of the SWA sites are really far too complicated and bureaucratic to actually serve any level of public function they were intended for.
We place all ads in accordance with the following DOL Guidelines:
(C) Job search Web site other than the employer’s. The use of a job search Web site other than the employer’s can be documented by providing dated copies of pages from one or more website(s) that advertise the occupation involved in the application. Copies of web pages generated in conjunction with the newspaper advertisements required by paragraph (e)(1)(i)(B) of this section can serve as documentation of the use of a Web site other than the employer’s.
Call us at 1-844-504-7376 for low cost quotes.