PERM Recruitment Scheduling is key to getting your case done right!
To demonstrate what The Employer has to do, we have developed a time line of ad placements, combined with the usual waiting periods and filing dates.
Step By Step 
This example shows PERM recruitment ad scheduling for a professional business position in Irvine, California.
1. Take care of the SWA Job Order. It takes the longest, 30 days to be exact.
Registering and getting a PIN/Login takes valuable time. Have your Unemployment ID # handy when you register on the SWA site. Plus you’ll have time to re-post if they take down the ad too soon, which they do frequently.
2. Do the other “30 day” postings such as Employer Website or Job Search Board postings.
This will make the rest of the steps easy. Your PERM Recruitment Scheduling is well underway.
3. Run the 2 consecutive Sunday “newspaper of general circulation” ads. Make sure to allow time for slow newspaper ad staff to get you the hard copy tear sheets, or email electronic e-tearsheets.
4. Run the shorter term ads last. These would be ads such as Local & Ethnic Newspapers, or Radio Station Ads.
Mark Your Calendar
Dept of Labor PERM “Mandatory” Recruitment
- June 1: Print ad in the Sunday Los Angeles Times Orange County Edition
- June 8: Print ad in the Sunday Los Angeles Times Orange County Edition
- June 2 – July 2: State Job Bank Order on the California SWA – Employment Development Dept.
Dept of Labor “Additional” Recruitment Options (pick 3)
- June 2 – June 13: Ad on employer website
- June 2 – June 13: Ad on
- June 9: Ad in the Los Angeles Business Journal
Notice Postings
- June 3 – June 16: Internal (paper) posting at work location
- June 3 – June 16: In-house media posting
Cooling off period/Filing
- July 3 – August 2 : Cooling off period (30 days)
- August 6: File PERM application with Department of Labor