If you are seeking to run PERM Labor Certification Radio Ads in Norman, you can fill out our Quote Request Form at the right side of this page, or click here.
Per CFR Part 656:17, PERM Labor Certification allows for Radio Ads to be run as “additional recruitment”, and does not specify day or night time, nor AM or FM.
(ii) Additional recruitment steps. The employer must select three additional recruitment steps from the alternatives listed in paragraphs (e)(1)(ii)(A)-(J) of this section. Only one of the additional steps may consist solely of activity that took place within 30 days of the filing of the application. None of the steps may have taken place more than 180 days prior to filing the application.
(J) Radio and television advertisements. The use of radio and television advertisements can be documented by providing a copy of the employer’s text of the employer’s advertisement along with a written confirmation from the radio or television station stating when the advertisement was aired.
Our process for helping your firm run a radio ad is to convert the classified job ad text to spoken word, format it as a script document for the station’s production team, submit their MP3 to your firm for review and approval, coordinate the scheduling of air time, and most importantly, obtain the proper evidential documents such as invoices or affidavits.
Your firm can in turn outline the run dates and times, and later, submit these documents during the filing process.
PERM Labor Certification Radio ads are often an affordable, simple and straightforward option for most immigration advertising needs.
We provide: Ad checking, Conversion to spoken word, Radio Ad Script, Coordination / Scheduling, Evidential Documents
The map below shows the general coverage area of most stations in the area, but some actually reach much further than this due to higher wattage at the tower.

PERM Labor Certification Radio Ads Bellevue